Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Traveling Song

So, as most of you know, Michael and I are taking a trip. A kind of big one. Our finally finalized plan is to drive a large truck full of Michael's mother's belongings from California to North Carolina, squeeze in some epic and adorable niece and nephews time, fly to New York, have too much fun and check out Parsons, fly to London, and take a train under water (Bright Eyes theme much?) to Paris. Once there, we are picking up our sweet little Peugeot ride (packing 92 hp, baby!) and cruising from country to country, city to city, in one giant misshapen circle of awesomeness for 8 weeks. 

Knowing me and my camera, thousands of photos will be taken, and we both agreed that it was important to us to chronicle our travels and give our friends and families a way to follow our adventure. I don't think I've ever been more excited for anything in my life, and I am counting down the days until we leave!

I had the brilliant idea of using song titles for each post name to reflect the soundtrack of our journey. Michael gave me one of those "you're cute" faces when I told him [over-enthusiastically] about my plan, but since I made the blog, I'm calling the shots. And you know what makes me EVEN cooler? I'm adding a playlist widget at the bottom of the blog and adding each of the songs that inspires our titles so you can listen while you read! First off is obviously the namesake of the blog, a la The Black Keys. I'm posting our itinerary later today:) 

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